
Let's Try Again

Well, I'm going to leap back into the blogging world.
I've done a lot over the last year - worked different jobs, traveled to different places and just basically over-thought so many things my brain was close to overheating a couple of times!

I think I can make a lot more contributions - and be a lot more interesting - by blogging about lots of ways to be adventurous and aware, not just places you need to hop on a plane for. While that is still so interesting to me, it's not all that is interesting to me. There are a million things in New York every minute that can be a mini-adventure.

Sure, it's not like the Grand Canyon will appear in midtown Manhattan, but sometimes a lecture, speaker or local issue can have just as radical an effect, in a different way. It's not about hopping on a plane every six months to have an adventure, it's about living adventurously, taking risks and being aware in every day life. So I'll try this out and see how it works. Whew. Here it goes.

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